When you have an excellent idea, you can be sure there will be others looking for ways to copy it. Some might take inspiration from it, others might take it and adapt it, others, the lazier, less creative ones, will steal it outright and use it as it is. When it comes...
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Year: 2021
Limitations of patent law
If you discover or invent processes, machines, or other items, you may need to get your work patented. This provides you with the protection you need to be able to stop others from exploiting your work. It’s imperative that you understand a few points about patent law...
Why are copyright claims so important?
Many works are protected by copyright laws in this country. While some people think that they can use whatever they find online in any manner they desire, that’s not always the case. Instead, authors, painters, illustrators, and others who produce creative works...
What if someone claims fair use of your intellectual property?
If you feel someone has breached your intellectual property (IP) rights, clarifying whether they have breached fair use rules is crucial. While IP laws can give you a good level of protection, they may not stop others from using your work altogether. If the other...
Patent prosecution helps you protect your invention
When you hear the word prosecution, you may think of going to court to hold someone responsible for negative actions or crimes. In the world of intellectual property, it actually means securing your patent to protect your product or invention. Patent prosecution is...
Has another company begun profiting off your slogan or logo?
Your company's logo or slogan is likely one of the more recognizable aspects of your brand. It aids in distinguishing your company from its competitors. It can help your brand remain memorable, which can lead to repeat business from existing customers as well as...
Quibi and Eko settle their ongoing intellectual property battle
All throughout history, great ideas, inventions and leaps in technology seem to come simultaneously from multiple directions. Edison and Tesla famously squabbled over their similar electrical inventions. It isn’t unusual for many creative minds to spot room for...
Guard your business with intellectual property protections
Counterfeit goods are bad for business, which is why you should understand your intellectual property (IP) rights. You should also take time to understand how to put a stop to others using your intellectual property to make money off your hard work and effort. The...
What constitutes reasonable protection of trade secrets?
Many companies have valuable assets such as recipes, customer lists, operational processes and other intellectual property (IP) that give them a competitive edge over others in the same industry. The dissemination of such information to just anyone could result in a...
The attempt to rebrand the Cleveland Indians hits a snag
Cleveland’s Major League baseball team has been looking for a new name for a while -- and on July 23 of this year, the team announced that the Cleveland Indians were no more. They will now be known as the Cleveland Guardians. But there’s a snag: Cleveland already has...